Friday, October 23, 2015

                           I'm go to tell you about something going on at home. Something that's going on today is its my little sisters first homecoming and my big sisters last homecoming. I'm going to attend their homecoming since it is at my old school. Also pretty soon Halloween is coming up and I am going as a dead school girl. I'm going to have blood all over my throat and and cuts all over my body. I went as a school girl before a couple years ago with my friends but this year will be even better. I coordinated my outfit to be a certain way and I think it will look cute when I put it all together.

                            The next thing i'm going to talk about is when me and my friend were walking back from the store on my last day of eighth grade and i ended up falling down halfway a sewer. So I had got back from school and me and my friend Carrie were just outside all day walking around and going everywhere. So we got back to my house at like seven so we decided to walk to the store and we both got some snacks then on the way back we were about to cross the street and I wasn't looking at the ground and I didn't notice so as soon as i stepped on the sewer my whole right leg fell in taking me with it. My friend thought I was just playing so she started laughing but then I was crying so she ran down the street and got my mother then I ended up going to the hospital and calling the police and being on the news. So that was a pretty exciting start to my summer vacation.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog 10/16

                                           I do think that I deserved all the grades I got because I really worked hard to keep all my grades above 90% so i do think I deserved the grades I got. I learned how differently people look in on certain communities and people. I also learned new ways to work out problems and several new terms i never knew but now i'm informed of them. Also that I don't know certain things and I cant always think I know everything because I don't and that I should study more so I can do even better on my tests and quizzes. I will study more and make sure I understand certain things before I take a test on them.

I think I could of asked for help more even though I had already asked a lot I think I needed more help than I got in certain areas. I will study more and make sure I understand certain things before I take a test on them. I also think I could of asked for help more even though I had already asked a lot I think I needed more help than I got in certain areas.I would also like to see them plan more fun things in class because most of my classes are in a way fun but we need a exciting lesson every now and then. To teach us certain things that relate to our life out of school personally or just plain fun. I think I would still have good grades in all my classes. I anticipate even better results than before.